“Jetlag” at the Rationaltheater
November 29, 2018 and again in January 15, 16 and 17 2019
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr, Beginn: 20:00 Uhr, Eintritt 20 Euro
Kartenreservierung: ticket@rationaltheater.de
Hesseloherstr. 18, 80802 München ; Tel: 089 335003
Austrian author and artist Roland Hagenberg describes in 21 acts how to deal with dementia – from the point of view of a single mother in Munich and her son, who lives in Tokyo. Within a year, the mother suffers various stages of the illness, ranging from forgetfulness, denial and cover up to complete helplessness. The son regularly visits her. Every flight becomes a confrontation with himself. There are conflicts, reproaches, moments of despair and comfort.
“Jetlag” has autobiographical traits. Roland Hagenberg, who has been living in Japan for 25 year, describes not only the course of a deadly disease, but also a predicament of our time: “disproportionate distance,” as he calls it. “On the multicultural, interconnected, global level the world moves closer together. On the interpersonal it drifts apart. Conflicts arise within every family – at the latest when confronting old age, since sacrificing your time to care for parents puts your ability to compete at risk and therefore your income or even your own provision for old age in a market-oriented society.”
The recommendation of our fellow member Elizabeth who says, "the topic fits perfectly with the program meeting this month! It is a small theater, but the various staging techniques were very effective and unusual. I really enjoyed seeing it."
An English Advent Carol Serivce of Seven Carols and Seven Lessons
Samstag, 1. December 2018 at Klosterkirche St. Ottilien in Eresing at 3:30 p.m
The "Munich English Choir" offers a lovely Carol Service at Kosterkirche Arch-Abbey of St. Ottilien, their specialty being the singing of the English "Advent Carol Service" on the evening before the 1st Advent. The Christmas story is told from the foretelling of the prophets in the Old Testament and then the Annunciation to Our Lady in the New Testament up to the birth of Our Lord. Following each Lesson a Carol is sung by the choir, based on the text of the Lesson or a different advent text. The congregation then responds with a congregational carol, which is a hymn based on an Advent or Christmas text.
The "Munich English Choir" are semi-professional singers who have a passion for English choral music. The choir was founded in 2010, by the English Organist and Choirmaster Stephen Norton and now has over 36 members. The choir recently returned from a very successful tour to England singing in Gloucester, Birmingham and Coventry cathedrals. St. Ottilien, is located about 40 km outside of Munich just west of the Ammersee near A96, also easily reachable by train or S-bahn. The same program will be held in St. Willibrord, Blumenstr. (Sendlinger Tor) on 19 December at 7 p.m.
Hands Gallery Holiday Cheer
Handel’s Messiah Open Sing
Sunday, December 9th 2018, 14:00-Church of the Ascension at 4 Seybothstraße, Munich
Join us to sing the Messiah with orchestra and soloists. Bring a score if you have one.
Christmas Carol Sing
Sunday, December 16th 2018, 14:00-Church of the Ascension, 4 Seybothstraße, Munich
Come and sing your favorite Christmas carols, sacred and secular with friends and family! A lovely way to celebrate the holiday spirit.
Both events held at Church of the Ascension, located at Emmauskirche Laurinplatz, Munich-Harlaching
Public Transport: Bus 139 to Autharistraße or Tram 15/25 to Authariplatz
Entrance is free; donations go to fund Church of the Ascension’s operating budget.